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Imad Eddine El Hboussi
24 years old, Oujda, Morocco

σχετικά με μένα

Greetings! I'm Imad , and I'm thrilled to share a glimpse into my world—a world that revolves around embracing challenges, cultivating meaningful friendships, and exploring the diverse wonders of cultures. Nestled in the heart of the enchanting country of Morocco, I find inspiration in its vibrant tapestry and unique charm.

As a busines student, my academic journey is more than just a pursuit of knowledge; it's a pathway to self-discovery and continuous growth. I'm captivated by the complexities of the business realm, driven by a curiosity to unravel its intricacies and nuances.

What fuels my spirit is not just the thrill of overcoming challenges, but also the genuine joy of connecting with people from various walks of life. In my eyes, each interaction is an opportunity to learn, grow, and appreciate the beauty of diversity. Whether forging new friendships or immersing myself in different cultures, I thrive on the richness these experiences bring.

Living in Morocco, a country that boasts breathtaking landscapes and a rich cultural heritage, has profoundly shaped my perspective. The warmth of its traditions and the hospitality of its people have left an indelible mark on who I am today. This blend of influences colors not only my personal life but also my approach to the dynamic world of business.

In a world that's becoming increasingly interconnected, I see every challenge as a chance to learn and every new friend as a doorway to a broader understanding of the world. With an open heart for friendships and a determined mind ready to navigate the twists and turns of the business landscape, I am poised to make a meaningful impact on both my academic journey and the global community at large.<b></b>

Οδηγός τοπικών πληροφοριών

  • Παραλαβή από το αεροδρόμιο, Διερμηνέας (υπηρεσίες), Ψώνια

Λίγα περισσότερα πράγματα για μένα

  • Σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός: Ετερόφυλος
  • Μιλώ: Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Αραβικά
  • Ψάχνω για: Φίλοι, Περιπέτεια, Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου με το TourBar, Εργασία
  • Καπνιστής Μερικές φορές
  • Συνήθειες ποτού: Ναι
  • Εκπαίδευση: Πανεπιστήμιο
  • Ύψος: 190 εκ (6' 02") Βάρος: 71 κιλά (157 lb) Κατασκευή: Μέσος όρος

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