대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
44 살, Accra, Ghana

내 정보

A considerate and thoughtful nature are amongst your most appreciate qualities. I thrive in social setting, where my understanding and sensitivity can emerge. i really do put the needs of others above your own, as it seems i would do just about anything for another human being. Likewise, i am always available to offer a non-judgmental ear or supportive words to those closest to you. People close to me have described me as the "perfect friend."

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 구사하는 언어: 영어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 친구, 소울메이트
  • 흡연: 아니요
  • 음주 습관: 아니요
  • 교육: 대학
  • 수입: 고소득
  • 키: 182 cm (5' 11") 체중: 70 kg (154 lb) 체격: 탄탄함

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