

George Town, Malaysia

我正在寻找: 女性

I'm user nadzama@, also using gmail.com email to chat and speak.six.O.I.nne.fve.sven.O.I.sven.nne.I. or Nadzamar Ahamad in FB.. i want to meet and find any type kind of woman in any age are going travel to malaysia are need and looking to find a man travel partner to having travel, vacation, and bussines or working trip holiday trip,in malaysia togather, and looking to find for having or need to doing any kind type of avtivity or service to fun, enjoy relex and massage and also for job working, vacation, fun and enjoyeble , or explore a nice place around malaysia and going or want to have party,clubing, fun ,massage,

旅行的目的: 在海滩休息, 公路旅行, 短暂/周末休息, 商务旅行

资金: 自己付款


Nadzamar Ahamad
37 年龄, George Town, Malaysia