Eğlenceli sohbet ve seyahat et!
Sandeep Pandey
36 years old, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


As I found this site about touring, i wanna tell you i am also tour loving person. I want to explore the world. but sometimes we are unable to find partner/frends to join us, so plan has been failed. i hope here i can find someone to join me. i like to visit only nature filled , historical, ancient, religious places only. not interested to see modern infrastructure,amenities.

Hakkımda daha fazlası

  • Cinsel tercihleri: Biseksüel
  • Ben konuşurum: İngilizce, Hintçe
  • Sigara içen: Evet
  • İçki alışkanlıkları: Evet
  • Eğitim: Ticaret/Teknik
  • Boy: 172 cm (5' 07") Vücut yapısı: Orta

Ziyaret edilmiş ülkeler

United Arab Emirates
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