Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu
Kishor Kaple
24 years old, Pune, India

O meni

Hi, I’m Kishor! Adventurous, easygoing, and always up for exploring new places.

Looking for a like-minded friend to share travel memories and discover hidden gems together.

If you enjoy good company, fun conversations, and new experiences, let’s plan our next adventure!

If you are cool, I can sponser some part of your journey.

Informacije za Lokalne vodiče

  • Šoping, Foto ture, Ko-ordinacija spoljašnih aktivnosti

Još nekoliko stvari o meni

  • Seksualna orientacija: Heteroseksualac
  • Pričam: Engleski
  • Pušač: Ne
  • Napijanje Ponekad
  • Obrazovanje: Fakultetsko
  • Prihod: Visoki prihod
  • Visina: 185 cm (6' 01")
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