Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu
26 years old, New York, United States

O meni

Traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing new things are my passions, and nothing sounds better than exploring those opportunities with you by my side. I was drawn to be a companion because this opens the door to discovering everything the worlds has to offer, you included. Getting to know you is going to be one of my new favorite things, I can already tell.

Informacije za Lokalne vodiče

  • Prevoz sa Aerodroma, Pomoć pri izboru hotela, Vozač (usluge), Prevodilac (usluge), Foto ture, Šoping, ture Razgledanja, Proba Vina/piva, Proba lokalne kuhinje, Ko-ordinacija spoljašnih aktivnosti, Prijatelj na ekzibicije/sastanci

Još nekoliko stvari o meni

  • Pričam: Engleski

Države posećene

United States
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