Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu
48 years old, George Town, Malaysia

O meni

Hey there... Always happy to make new friends and be a guide to visitors. I am familiar with most countries and cities in South East Asia. If I have not been there before then all the more fun to meet new travel buddies. I am an artist in the music and film industry, so I travel quite a lot. Originally from London, England. Feel free to message me if you visit Malaysia... Or if you just want to chat, I could be visiting your city soon!

Informacije za Lokalne vodiče

  • Prevoz sa Aerodroma, Pomoć pri izboru hotela, Prevodilac (usluge), Foto ture, Šoping, ture Razgledanja, Proba Vina/piva, Proba lokalne kuhinje, Ko-ordinacija spoljašnih aktivnosti, Prijatelj na ekzibicije/sastanci

Još nekoliko stvari o meni

  • Seksualna orientacija: Heteroseksualac
  • Pričam: Engleski, Kineski, Malaj
  • Tražim: Prijatelje, Avantura
  • Pušač: Ne
  • Napijanje Ponekad
  • Obrazovanje: Fakultetsko

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