Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu
jason harris
64 years old, Dallas, United States

O meni

just a humble musician looking for love love people always try to find the good in people getting harder these days,but if you stop doing that then you've given up im not a quiter lol. I love art music museums fine food & wine though I mainly am a social drinker love pretty ladys.Im an older gentlemen so I know my way around . laughing is a part of who i am also love it there can never be enough of that in this world .

Informacije za Lokalne vodiče

  • Prevoz sa Aerodroma, Pomoć pri izboru hotela, Vozač (usluge), Foto ture, Šoping, ture Razgledanja, Proba Vina/piva, Proba lokalne kuhinje, Prijatelj na ekzibicije/sastanci

Države posećene

United States
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