Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu
32 years old, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

O meni

My name is Natali, I enjoy meeting new people and their way of life, I enjoy that new parts of the world, the calm of the sea, the beauty of the mountains and everything that life has to offer. I love movies, reading books, listening to music, to learn foreign languages. I admire Asia and would like to go there.

Informacije za Lokalne vodiče

  • Pomoć pri izboru hotela, Prevodilac (usluge), Šoping, Ko-ordinacija spoljašnih aktivnosti, Prijatelj na ekzibicije/sastanci

Još nekoliko stvari o meni

  • Pričam: Engleski, Španski
  • Tražim: Prijatelje
  • Pušač: Ne
  • Napijanje Ponekad
  • Obrazovanje: Fakultetsko

Države posećene

Russian Federation
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