Ćaskaj i putuj uz zabavu

Ups! Jeste još uvek u prijateljskoj zoni?

Postavljeno: Sept 11, 2017
od Diego
Nekad se desi - sve si radio kako treba ali si se odjednom našao u zoni prijatelja.

Sa ova 3 načina možeš da pobegneš iz prijateljske zone:

- Počni da flertuješ. You were a good friend for so long, discussing different topics and being sensitive and caring, not it’s time for adding some romance – send her kisses, say you miss her and that she makes you feel an usual excitement

- Make her feel a little bit jealous – say you met someone, watch the reaction. What if she is not ready to lose you?

- Tell the truth. Sometimes the best way is to show your feelings – it will save you time in any case.

Good luck and don’t forget to try this tips right now on TourBar!