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Этот пользователь собирается в

Rome, Italy
01 March - 30 May 2024

Я ищу: Не имеет значения

I want to meet the nice people of Italy, and visit all of the nice places in Italy, Rome is a great city, which I dream of visiting, almost all of the ancient civilizations have started from Italy and passed from the city of Rome, all of the ancient places in Italy deserve to be visited, this is besides the real nature that Italy contains in almost all of the cities.

Цель путешествия Гастрономическое путешествие, Круиз, Достопримечательности, Короткий отдых

Финансы: Каждый платит за себя

Информация о пользователе

Kamal Keda
36 лет, Rām Allāh,