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Этот пользователь собирается в

01 November - 16 May 2024

Я ищу: Мужчина

I want to see all Europe:)
I'm real person who want to see all world.

Before to write me read this👇💥👇💥👇💥👇💥👇!

If you are not serious and don't invite me to travel- don't write me!
I hate lies and GREEDY, dishonourable men who do not keep their word! If you're one of those men even do not try to write me!
I dont like empty talks, talks about sex and dont send naked photos. So or you write me and invite to travel or not.
Dont write me only: "Hi" or "Hi. How are you?"- I ignore this messages. I always stay at home- Ukraine and will fly from here. Write immediately specific travel offers and we will communicate about this.
P.S. My conditions: We can travel together only if all expenses will be on you and you will give me money for shopping!

Цель путешествия Гастрономическое путешествие, Поездка на машине, Достопримечательности, Шоппинг

Финансы: Я бы хотел, чтобы за меня заплатили

Информация о пользователе

Your dream ;-)
37 лет, Kiev, Ukraine