Общайся и путешествуй весело!
30 лет, Antalya, Turkey

Обо мне

Hello passenger,
I'm alperen and I know that it's hard to pronunciate in English or any other language so you can call me ''Alp''
I speak English and my level is advanced also I speak some Russian too because I'm studying Tourism Management at Akdeniz University
Я говорю по-русски чуть чуть)
anyway some random facts about me
-I live in Antalya
-I love animals especially cats because they're cats
-I listen all kind of music but usually I'd prefer to listen indie rock, classic rock, and old songs because oldies are goldies
-I'm not a hipster I know that every hipster saying that they're not hipsters it's like the first rule of being a hipster but I swear I'm not.
-I read some books usually russian classics but I'm always open to new advices
-I watch american and british tv shows also I often go to the cinema because I'm lazy and I love to sit and watch something
-I play basketball and tennis.
-I'm falling in love with food and also I really enjoy cooking
-I've been in NYC, Sankt Peterburg, Berlin and Cyprus before but I want to travel more and more and more...

Информация о местных гидах

  • Помощь при выборе отеля, Шоппинг, Экскурсии, Дегустация напитков, Дегустация еды, Организация мероприятий, Сопровождение на выставках/встречах

Подробнее обо мне

  • Сексуальная ориентация: Гетеросексуал
  • Я говорю: Английский, Русский, Турецкий
  • Я ищу: Друзей, Приключение
  • Курю: Да
  • Отношение к алкоголю: Да
  • Образование: Университет
  • Доход: Стабильный средний доход
  • Рост: 185 см (6' 01") Вес: 80 кг(176 lb) Телосложение: Среднее

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