Общайся и путешествуй весело!
Jeff Belanger
58 лет, Florida Ridge, United States

Обо мне

am intelligent,kind,loyal,sensitive,and compassionate. I’m really good at seeing more than what’s on the surface,finding humor in every situation,enjoying beautiful moments. I spend a lot of time on people I care about,how/why things work,inspiring turns of phrase and the etymology of words. I’m adventurous, and my friends would prolly describe me as ‘the responsible one’ I have a lot of hobbies to keep up with but at the moment,I love fishing, hunting, and scuba diving. Am an active guy who loves to be lazy on a Sunday morning, but open to new things.

Подробнее обо мне

  • Сексуальная ориентация: Гетеросексуал
  • Я говорю: Английский
  • Я ищу: Вторая половинка
  • Курю: Нет
  • Отношение к алкоголю: Иногда
  • Доход: Высокий доход
  • Рост: 181 см (5' 11")

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