Общайся и путешествуй весело!
Melissa Love
41 год, Ohio City, United States

Обо мне

I am looking for a caring, successful, loving, and respectful man who would be my second half. I am not dreaming about a prince on a white horse, I understand that perfect men don't exist. I am looking for a man who would be perfect specially for me, who would bring out the best of me making me want to become even better. I am looking for a reliable man who can be a strong leader in our family, someone who will give me a strong shoulder to lean on in any life situation, even the most difficult. I am looking for someone who is able to take responsibility and make important decisions, someone very strong physically and emotionally, someone with unshakable life values I hope to find man who is caring and attentive person, who is not afraid to create family with a Slavic lady. I would like to see sense of humor, cheerfulness and responsibility as the features of my future lovely man)) I am that type of woman who will give everything, love, respect, cozy home and sweet dreams at night to my soul mate) I see you like a strong man, hard-working and caring who will see my personality, but also never forget about my body. Be passionate, be daring... And let's change the world together! Oh, of course I am speaking not of the whole world, but about our own, which we will build together one family yes .

Информация о местных гидах

  • Встреча в аэропорту, Помощь при выборе отеля, Водитель (услуги), Переводчик (услуги), Фототуры, Шоппинг, Экскурсии, Дегустация напитков, Дегустация еды, Организация мероприятий, Сопровождение на выставках/встречах

Подробнее обо мне

  • Сексуальная ориентация: Гетеросексуал
  • Я говорю: Английский, Немецкий
  • Я ищу: Друзей, Приключение, Вторая половинка
  • Курю: Нет
  • Отношение к алкоголю: Нет
  • Образование: Университет
  • Доход: Стабильный небольшой доход
  • Телосложение: Среднее

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