Общайся и путешествуй весело!
Fezident Prime
44 года, Toronto, Canada

Обо мне

Life is short so live it to the fullest. Because time waits for no one so grow and learn the most you can at every opportunity. I have experienced more in the last decade than most other people that I know. Met so many people, influenced so many people, was influenced by so many more. Many have come and gone and others are still part of my life. I still cherish every memory with all these fabulous people. A friend is the one that walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

I like meeting positive, enthusiastic, friendly people that can make a difference to everyone around them. Lately I've been trying to be motivated to exercise and be healthy. Love dogs, but want a white tiger and a panther for a pet. I love traveling. Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.

Информация о местных гидах

  • Встреча в аэропорту, Помощь при выборе отеля, Водитель (услуги), Переводчик (услуги), Шоппинг, Экскурсии, Дегустация напитков, Организация мероприятий, Сопровождение на выставках/встречах

Подробнее обо мне

  • Сексуальная ориентация: Гетеросексуал
  • Я говорю: Английский
  • Я ищу: Друзей, Приключение, Вторая половинка
  • Курю: Иногда
  • Отношение к алкоголю: Да
  • Образование: Университет
  • Доход: Стабильный средний доход
  • Рост: 187 см (6' 01") Вес: 85 кг(187 lb) Телосложение: Среднее

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