Общайся и путешествуй весело!
Ken Morris
59 лет, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Обо мне

I'm a gentle soul, quiet and certainly not what most people would assume - a social butterfly. Instead I'm the quiet watchful, listener who will provide you with a listening ear after a tough day, and not judge, or assume or tell you what to do. I love nature, and water and feel a especial kinship to just being near water and having water right near my home. I feel the peace of the world in the breeze cross the water, the lapping of the waves on the shore, the unassuming nature of water and nature. I am one with nature, and could spend hours just sitting by the beach, river, lake,ocean and stitch, read, listen to music..

Подробнее обо мне

  • Сексуальная ориентация: Гетеросексуал
  • Я говорю: Английский, Испанский, Портиугальский
  • Я ищу: Вторая половинка
  • Курю: Нет
  • Отношение к алкоголю: Нет
  • Образование: Ученая степень
  • Доход: Высокий доход
  • Рост: 170 см (5' 07") Вес: 68 кг(150 lb) Телосложение: Среднее

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