Conversar e a viajar com diversão!
33 years old, Tangub City, Philippines

sobre mim

If I had to describe myself it would go like this, I am an easy going, energetic person who actually looks and feels younger than I am. I enjoy being active, cookouts, and having a good time with friends. I have a spontaneous and adventurous spirit and am open to new things, places and events. I love to travel whether it is a short trip, extended weekend, or vacationing at a beach or other exotic location.

I would like to meet a man that isn't afraid to show love and likes to show it, a touch of the hand, a loving look ... a kiss ... a hug ... A man that has no problem saying "I love You" and mean it. A man that I can't wait to see again when we are apart. But I do believe that trust is very important, you need to still be able to do the things you have always loved. You share ... you do not own one another. You still need to be the person you are, you should not need to change the other.I would like to feel loved totally for who I am, and do the same in return. I still would love to feel romance and adventure. I love surprises. I want to be able to be just me.I'm very caring and sensitive to others needs. I'm a great listener and very patient. Smiles a Must!

Informação guia local

  • Ajuda com a escolha de um hotel, Visitas aos pontos turísticos, Companheiro em exposições/reuniões

Só mais algumas coisas sobre mim

  • Orientação sexual: Heterossexual
  • Eu falo: Inglês
  • Procuro: Amigos, Aventura, Alma gémea
  • Fumador: Não
  • Hábitos alcoólicos: Ás vezes
  • Educação: Faculdade
  • Rendimentos: Baixo rendimento estável
  • Altura: 162 cm (5' 03") Peso: 52 kg (115 lb) Constituição: Magro

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