Czatuj i podróżuj z radością!
Edward Young
60 years old, Harrisburg, United States

O mnie

So, let me tell you about me. I was born in Washington D.C. in 1963 and am 53 years old. I am an educated black man. I didn't finish college. I was attending school to become a doctor, but bad choice in women which caused me not to complete.
I work in sales and have been for years.
I am a very loving, passionate, caring and family oriented person. I try my best to make others happy. As a child growing up it always seemed to be my responsibility to make my brothers and sister happy. I believe that this molded me into the person that I am today.
I care about other people’s feelings, they're important to me. I make them important so that my feelings will be important to them. I believe in Karma what I send out I shall come back.

I am very passionate, maybe too passionate. Being raised by my Grandma, I had the chance to experience a very special love. She too was a Virgo.
I am very hot blooded by nature and want to have someone who can sustain my nature. This too is important. I want to please my woman and myself on that realm.
I also want to please her emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
I want a woman who knows how to respond to her man especially when he needs her. I need your support, kindness, caring words and input.

I want a woman who compliments me as I would her. When we walk down the street I want people to say “they look like they should be together ". That's the magic.

I am so affectionate it hurts sometimes. I love making love, and I want to learn all the ways that I can please my woman. I want to please her mind first cause that’s where the stimulation begins. The physical stimulation for me is the easy part. I love giving oral sex. And I love receiving it as well. I hope that I am not to blunt but, I want to be honest. And this will let you know what you're up against. I am very passionate, trust me. I would probably want to make love at least once a day.

Studying to be a doctor I got to know anatomy real well. Besides my father was a Funeral Director. I learned a lot from him before I even went to school.

I have four beautiful children who I am well pleased with.

I want to be in true love now and for the rest of my days. Are you that caring, compassionate, loving, giving, trusting a devoted woman? I sure hope so.
So, I hope that I filled your mind with a lot of good things to think about. Should you have any more questions, please don't' hesitate to ask. That's why I am here.

Kilka dodatkowych informacji o mnie

  • Orientacja seksualna: Hetereseksualny/a
  • Znam: Angielski
  • Szukam: Bratnia dusza
  • Palący: Nie
  • Alkohol: Czasami
  • Wykształcenie: Nie
  • Dochód: Średni stały dochód
  • Wzrost: 183 cm (6' 00") Waga: 118 kg (260 lb) Budowa ciała: Większy rozmiar

Miejsca w których byłem/byłam

United States
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