Czatuj i podróżuj z radością!
41 years old, New York, United States

O mnie

I am very optimistic girl and I have a good sense of humor.I always friendly and sociable, and never boring.I value my life and enjoy each new day, I try to be that every day was even better than the last.I achieve all that I want and I know that every person builds his destiny.I am active and cheerful, I always have a purpose in life, and I always try to achieve it.In my opinion in life it is necessary to rely only on yourself and relatives .I need a man to whom I can trust and rely on him always, even in the most difficult situation.I am a responsible girl, and I never leave my loved one, and always bring my case to the end started.

Kilka dodatkowych informacji o mnie

  • Orientacja seksualna: Hetereseksualny/a
  • Znam: Angielski
  • Szukam: Przyjaciele, Bratnia dusza
  • Palący: Nie
  • Alkohol: Nie
  • Wykształcenie: Uniwersytet
  • Budowa ciała: Średni/a

Miejsca w których byłem/byłam

United States
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