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{{umur.profil}} tahun, Toledo City, Philippines

Tentang saya

I love to travel or take some photos or maybe sightseeing from different places but only in my dreams because i am a wanderer who believes that dreams are better than reality..The funny thing about me is that,I am A photographer wannabe,it is because I cannot resist to take photos of the sky,sunset,beach,nature and etc.😉

Maklumat pemandu arah tempatan

  • Lawatan foto, Lawatan bersiar-siar

Hanya beberapa perkara mengenai saya

  • Aku berkata-kata: Bahasa Inggeris
  • Saya cari: Kawan, Kerja
  • Perokok: Tidak
  • Tabiat minum: Tidak
  • Membina: Suatu beberapa paun tambahan

Buah negara yang dilawati

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