Chat dan melancong dengan seronok!
Arthur Miner
{{umur.profil}} tahun, Tel Aviv, Israel

Tentang saya

Hello! Are you looking for someone to help you plan your visit to Israel? Or help you while you visit Israel?
I am ready and happy to help!
Advice requests and pricing inquiries are always at no charge with me.
In my profile I only listed services I can provide on my own, however, I do have additional contacts that can help you with a lot of other stuff: just ask me about anything. Wish you have the best visit here in Israel!

P.S. I am happily married, in case you wondered. Which is another reason, why my services are as professional as they should be.

Maklumat pemandu arah tempatan

  • Membantu dalam memilih hotel yang, Juru bahasa (perkhidmatan)

Hanya beberapa perkara mengenai saya

  • Aku berkata-kata: Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Perancis, bahasa Hebrew, Bahasa Rusia
  • Perokok: Tidak
  • Tabiat minum: Tidak
  • Pendidikan: Universiti
  • Pendapatan: Purata pendapatan stabil

Buah negara yang dilawati

Tunjuk dulu