대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!

이 회원의 다음 여행지

Odesa, Ukraine

내가 찾는 것은: 여성

My tour around the Black Sea will start at the Formula 1 race in Azerbaijan on June 7 then continue through Armenia, Georgia and to Odessa. Who wants to join me for this part? From Odessa I’ll travel to Gdańsk Poland and over to a little known part of Russia called Kaliningrad. After that I will see about a ferry to Gotland Island in
Sweden and my final city will be a party with Swedish friends in Stockholm! Whose up for part or all this travel? I’ve traveled through 130 countries so when I add these 5, and maybe Moldova, that’s 135 or 136. But I count the number of good times I have wherever I am, and not the countries!

여행 목적: 해변 휴가, 스포츠, 콘서트/축제, 관광

재정부담: 개별 부담

사용자 정보

53 살, San Diego, United States