대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!

이 회원의 다음 여행지

Austin, United States
02 January - 01 April 2026

내가 찾는 것은: 여성

People, intellectuals, scientists and engineers, lawyers and judges and specialize in physics, aviation, power engines where I have inventions like to offer to the world through science specialists
I also hope to meet with the owners of hosting, which houses caring for the physical condition and accept Alstdavcy free of charge even get a job and completion of the study or to work for them in exchange for hosting

여행 목적: 먹방투어, 크루즈, 자동차 여행, 관광

재정부담: 내 비용을 부담해 줄 사람을 찾음

사용자 정보

Jony Lovee
46 살, Cairo, Egypt