대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!

이 회원의 다음 여행지

Pattaya, Thailand
01 February - 01 April 2024

내가 찾는 것은: 여성

This trip made me so happy because I went to states I have not been in before. In the trip, I met new people and went to new places and saw new things. I never expected the trip to be so nice, but it ended up being my best trip ever in my life so far. Why was the trip one I can never forget?

여행 목적: 해변 휴가, 크루즈, 관광, 쇼핑 여행

재정부담: 개별 부담

사용자 정보

Krishna Bokam
34 살, Ni Dilli, India