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이 회원의 다음 여행지

Istanbul, Turkey
20 April - 08 May 2024

내가 찾는 것은: 상관없어요

Istanbul is a vibrant city located in Turkey, bridging the gap between Europe and Asia. It's known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and bustling markets. Some must-visit attractions include the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, and the Grand Bazaar. You can also take a cruise along the Bosphorus to enjoy breathtaking views of the city. Istanbul offers a unique blend of cultures, delicious cuisine, and a lively atmosphere that will leave you enchanted. It's definitely a destination worth exploring! 🌍😊

여행 목적: 먹방투어, 크루즈, 관광, 쇼핑 여행

재정부담: 개별 부담

사용자 정보

28 살, Algiers, Algeria