대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!

이 회원의 다음 여행지


내가 찾는 것은: 남성

First one is used for meeting with someone. It needs to be, “With whom do you want to meet?” It sounds very formal, and wouldn’t typically be heard in a casual setting. The second is less specific, and can mean meeting someone for the first time or meeting with someone you’ve already been introduced to. The second instance would probably be “who do you want to meet with” if you’ve already met them before

여행 목적: 스포츠, 콘서트/축제, 먹방투어, 자동차 여행

재정부담: 내 비용을 부담해 줄 사람을 찾음

사용자 정보

21 살, Tabuk, Philippines