대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
Jassmine Flowers
33 살, Oklahoma City, United States

내 정보

I'm a laid-back person that enjoys a lot of things. I'm happy hiking all day, then downing shots with dinner. I like to read, paint, and play PC games for funsies. I dabble in a lot of different crafts, but acrylic painting is my favorite. I served four years in the US Navy so I could afford to go to college, so now I'm studying business finance so I'll be able to find stable work and support my aging mom.

I really want to learn more about other countries, and most of all I'd like to learn about them from the perspective of the citizens. I believe even if we have different points of view we could still learn a lot from each other.

I'm learning French right now. I'm awful at it, but damn if I'm not trying. Also, I'm trying to lose weight and build muscle if anyone wants to be my workout penpal.

로컬 가이드 정보

  • 공항 픽업, 통역 (서비스), 관광 투어, 와인/음료 테이스팅, 로컬 음식 테이스팅, 야외 활동 주선

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 성적 취향: 양성애자
  • 구사하는 언어: 영어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 친구, 모험
  • 흡연:
  • 음주 습관:
  • 교육: 전문대학
  • 수입: 정기적인 저소득
  • 키: 180 cm (5' 11") 체중: 96 kg (212 lb) 체격: 약간의 추가 체중

방문한 국가

United States
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