대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
48 살, Almaty, Kazakhstan

내 정보

Hello! I'm a Professional tour guide with 14 years of expirience in organizing tours in Kazakhstan. I can show you Almaty as you've never seen it. I can arrange individual and group tours for 1 and more days. Airport pick up/send off and visa services are available upon request. I have 7 seat Honda Odissey with long base which runs very smothly on a road and very comfortable especially during the distant travels to Charyn canyon, Kolsay lakes and Singing dune. If you need any assistance in Almaty or advice about the tours feel free to contact me.

로컬 가이드 정보

  • 공항 픽업, 드라이버 (서비스), 사진 투어, 관광 투어, 야외 활동 주선

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 성적 취향: 이성애자
  • 구사하는 언어: 영어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 직업
  • 흡연: 아니요
  • 음주 습관: 가끔
  • 교육: 석사/박사

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