대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
41 살, Chennai, India

내 정보

There is this unique charm about travelling...it transforms you every time you leave your usual setting to set off for a journey. You get to witness new cultures, their history, their food and most importantly you get to meet new people. I have had the most beautiful conversations while I was travelling... and these are undoubtedly the moments which are still afresh in my memory. Apart from the annual trips to cities like Banares, and Goa (both in India) the most memorable travels include Paris, Amsterdam, Budapest, London, Majorca and Berlin (Europe), Road trip from LA to San Francisco (US). Really excited about this forum and hope to meet "you"- the companion.

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 성적 취향: 이성애자
  • 구사하는 언어: 영어, 힌두어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 친구, 모험, 소울메이트
  • 흡연:
  • 음주 습관:
  • 교육: 석사/박사
  • 수입: 정기적인 중간 소득
  • 키: 183 cm (6' 00") 체중: 85 kg (187 lb)

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