대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
larry peggy
49 살, California City, United States

내 정보

I like spending time with friends and family, which is very important to me, I like having time to spend with someone special to me I am looking someone with similar interests, with a sense of adventureand style, who is emotionally mature and ready for a long-term loving relationship and creation a family. I prefer a man who is strong and knows what he wants from her loving woman.....You have goodhumor, relaxed, balanced. Clean, Healthy lifestyle, easy to live with. Strong Moral & Spiritual elements. Faithful, Loyal, Protective. Respectful of your Lady and her family. No drugs/tattoo. Broad
minded, calm, playful & attentive lover

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 구사하는 언어: 영어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 소울메이트
  • 흡연: 아니요
  • 음주 습관: 아니요
  • 교육: 학교만
  • 수입: 정기적인 중간 소득
  • 체격: 날씬
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