대화를 나누고 즐겁게 여행하세요!
Steve Johnson
44 살, Manchester, United States

내 정보

my name is Steve, i stay in united kingdom. am half European and half African but i was born in UK. am 33yrs old . i separated with my wife 2yesrs now. i have son who leaves in Africa ,is name is Daniel. Am an hospital attendance here in UK , we are restricted to use and do something on here and am also on tagged to get a new wife my life partner .some who can take good care of my son Daniel and our new children.

나에 대한 몇가지 정보

  • 성적 취향: 이성애자
  • 구사하는 언어: 영어, 독일어, 프랑스어, 스페인어, 이탈리아어
  • 내가 찾는 사람은: 친구, 소울메이트
  • 흡연:
  • 음주 습관:
  • 교육: 대학
  • 키: 183 cm (6' 00") 체중: 60 kg (132 lb) 체격: 보통
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