Jeffry Matins
65歳, Gibsonia, United States


I am an independent man who has made a good life for myself. I am educated, fulfilled and generally happy. I have been married and now widower for 6years. I'm far from perfect. I have made mistakes and learned from them as well. All of those experiences have made me a better person and potential partner. I want someone to share life's blessings and sometimes sorrows, to laugh with, and to simply be with at the end of the day. I would love to find someone who has her own interests, as do I, to share common interests, and to explore new adventures together. I very much love music, movies, exploring new places.


  • フォトツアー, アウトドアアクティビティの調整


  • 性的指向: 異性愛者
  • 話題: 英語
  • 出会いの目的: ソウルメイト
  • 喫煙: いいえ
  • 飲酒: 時々
  • 学歴: 大学
  • 収入: 高収入
  • 身長: 180 cm (5' 11") 体重: 44 kg (97 lb) 体型: アスリート


United States