33歳, Zamboanguita, Philippines


Everyone know me by my name and what they hear and see in me but truth is I am an emotional and sensitive person behind expressive and being a funny girl. I am a hang out girl, love to hang around and interested to meet new people. I love to sing and dance. I want to be organized and clean. I hate messy places and people who do untidy things.
There is only one thing I want in my life, its, to see my family smile and the reason of that is me, making them proud and giving them a stable life.
I currently study college taking course Bachelor off General Education while working to support myself and my daughter. I am a single mother of an adorable angel and she makes my stress and worries away and she is the reason why I am fighting and keep on surviving in life. For me, family is the most important in my life so if ever I have my own I will keep it and make sure to live happily and contented. I live it all to Almighty God, I know He have better plan for me.


  • 性的指向: 異性愛者
  • 話題: 英語
  • 出会いの目的: 友人, 冒険
  • 喫煙: いいえ
  • 飲酒: いいえ
  • 学歴: 短期大学
  • 身長: 154 cm (5' 00") 体重: 40 kg (88 lb) 体型: スリム

