Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
Natalia Gvilia
27 years old, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Su di me

Hello everyone,my name is Natalia, I’m from Russia and I’m traveling around the world. I’ll be glad to know friends from other countries.🏡☺️

Hello, I can help you conduct a tour of St. Petersburg. We will visit famous places of the city - the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Kazan Cathedral, the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Summer Garden. We can go to the historical theaters of our city, walk along the central streets. I also help foreign guests with paperwork and conduct Russian language classes for foreigners. I will be glad to help, contact me!
I am also looking for students that I can teach Russian online by Zoom👍🏻👩🏻‍💻

Info guide locali

  • Trasporto dall'aeroporto, Aiuto nella scelta di un hotel, Interprete (servizi), Shopping, Giro turistico, Assaggio Vini/bevande, Assaggio cucina locale, Coordinazione di attività all'aria aperta, Compagno a mostre/incontri

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Parlo: Inglese, Cinese, Indi, Giapponese, Russo
  • Sto cercando: Amici, Avventura, Lavoro
  • Educazione: Università
  • Corporatura: Snella

Paesi visitati

Russian FederationFranceJapan
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