Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
26 years old, Cebu, Philippines

Su di me

I am Vanessa, 24 years old, I live in Balamban, Cebu. I have three children, but I am single, because we are getting divorced. My children were abandoned because she has a new family that she brought in and they also have children. We are not married. I. I'm the only one who supported the children but my children live with my mother, we are six siblings, I'm the youngest, we're not rich, we're just simple apps, I hope I'll find a destiny that accepts me and my children and will love me I really wish I could find itwith true love and forever<b></b>

Info guide locali

  • Trasporto dall'aeroporto, Shopping

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Sto cercando: Amici, Avventura, Anima gemella, Lavoro
  • Fumo: No
  • Bevo: A volte
  • Educazione: Solo scuola
  • Guadagno: Nessun introito fisso
  • Altezza: 147 cm (4' 10") Peso: 59 kg (130 lb)

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