Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
Laviniah Mwangi
26 years old, Nairobi, Kenya

Su di me

I'm nothing close to perfect. I'm insecure I'm jealous I love attention I'm stubborn I'm very petty and all kinds of imperfect but you know what? That's what makes me different. A laviniah that's different in her own ways. There could be millions of people with that name but there is only one laviniah with my characters and personality 😊🙂<b></b>

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Sto cercando: Amici
  • Fumo: A volte
  • Bevo: A volte
  • Guadagno: Introito medio fisso
  • Peso: 74 kg (163 lb) Corporatura: Media

Paesi visitati

KenyaSouth Africa
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