Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
41 years old, Yerevan, Armenia

Su di me

Hi! A man like me would be a stone wall for you to protect you! You would always rely on a man like me. I am here because I am interested in a serious relationship. What about you? What are your expectations and hopes? You seem to be so vulnerable and tender lady and it would be a big sin to hurt you! Please,don't be afraid of me because I am here only for the good! I hope you'll send me your reply soon! Best wishe

Info guide locali

  • Trasporto dall'aeroporto, Aiuto nella scelta di un hotel, Tour con Foto, Shopping

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Fumo: No
  • Bevo: No
  • Educazione: No
  • Altezza: 172 cm (5' 07") Peso: 50 kg (110 lb) Corporatura: Media

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