Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
Christopher Arroyo
33 years old, Deltona, United States

Su di me

I'm Chris, from Florida. I'm a nurse, I work in a dementia ward. I am a musician in my freetime, I also will dance when the opportunity rises. I like to travel, but I keep to myself a lot, I don't have many friends who would go travel with me, I figured this would maybe help, so if you're interested in meeting somewhere, or would like to visit me in fla, let me know ✌️

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Orientamento sessuale: Eterosessuale
  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Sto cercando: Avventura
  • Fumo: No
  • Bevo: No
  • Educazione: College
  • Guadagno: Introito medio fisso

Paesi visitati

United States
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