Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
47 years old, Mumbai, India

Su di me

I am an Indian male in his early forties would like to go places meet new people, I am Indian by birth but by choice I would love to be a global citizen not belonging to a place, caste, religion. I m here because it's a fantastic platform for meeting like minded people who also don't belong to anything anyplace or anybody and the motto in life is to be just happy. I will be more than happy to provide my companionship and local knowledge to people traveling to Mumbai and neighbouring places

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Orientamento sessuale: Eterosessuale
  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Sto cercando: Amici, Avventura
  • Fumo: A volte
  • Bevo: A volte
  • Educazione: College
  • Guadagno: Introito medio fisso
  • Altezza: 182 cm (5' 11") Peso: 81 kg (179 lb) Corporatura: Atletica

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