Chatta e viaggia divertendoti!
Rajiv Kumar Bhardwaj
64 years old, Puri, India

Su di me


Life is Limited! Rare & has a Meaning.
Don’t waste it Cheating, Grumbling & Weeping.
Live it full in Selfless Blissful Honest Living.
By winning Hearts, Love & People Fulfilling.

Our fruits in life are what we did & sow,
It’s never late for us to reform & know.
Doing good for all - one never falls,
There will be many responses to your calls.

As long as there is any scope at all.
Mistakes are really common to all,
Failures can be your guiding protocol,
Learn & one day be a winner after all.

Never sure yet wishing for a heavenly after life.
Why not make this world a loving heavenly paradise.
No matter what religion, custom & culture you follow.
Always doing good brings God to your side my dear fellow.

WITH LOTS OF Love & Good Wishes for All.
By Rajiv Kumar Bhardwaj.
Siddhamahavir, Puri,
Odisha. INDIA.

Hi Dear Kathryn;

You were the first to view my profile on “TourBar” & it was a great pleasure to see a beautiful radiant smiling face to be my first visitor on “TourBar”. When I tried to contact you or see your profile etc, I understood (to my disappointment) that you were there only to check the profiles contents & approve the ethically legitimate contents only. Thus realizing (to my further disappointment) that the image / photo given of your good self maybe just for decorum & hundreds of employees must be (under the same image & name) appointed to verify the thousands of daily new comers.

Well that’s a good way & I do approve / appreciate it. In place of the image you could use a logo & a status name i.e: “APPROVERS” etc, I believe it would be much better & effective.

Well now for my issue!. As you may have earlier realized from my personal information submitted in “ABOUT ME”, I hate Hippocrates & liars & was very open & frank about myself, as I like to be a friend or be accepted in anyway only as my true self – as & or what/how ever I am, otherwise No!. I believe genuine friend or (any relation) is genuine only if one is outright frank & honest & accepts a friend or (any relation) knowing all the merits & demerits of the concerned person.

My personal information I first submitted within the provided stead column: “ABOUT ME” was approved.

Later feeling that people should also know about my real character by studying / observing the type of articles I write or the images I make etc, (best place “facebook”) I added my “facebook & tweeter” Links. (As I had used my “facebook” link while joining “TourBar”). Also once a friend or (any relation) it would be a nice place to share images of flowers & or photos etc, which facility is not yet incorporated in “TourBar”.

To my horrifying dismay I found that my personal information I first submitted within the provided stead column: “ABOUT ME” in “TourBar” was totally deleted. You could have had some mercy & only disapproved / not allowed the new entries.

Reason it hurt me was, basically I am a bit lazy kind of guy & especially to write (write!!!!) I really have to get into the mood & patient & relaxed - all just to start writing. (Though in mind – it took me two free days to start writing this). Also I had done a very difficult self study of my character. I am quite dismayed! Really ya!. I really do not know when I will be able to do the same & refill that gap now!?!.

I write all this so you know my experience & may find better ways to improve “TourBar” including member’s experiences.

Also once the personal information submitted by new members within the provided stead column: “ABOUT ME” in “TourBar” should be saved. Later when new information etc are submitted / added – if found not acceptable – can be rejected without emptying the provided stead column: “ABOUT ME” in “TourBar”, as at least some info will be there about the person for prospects to study the character etc.

Wishing the best for all.
With lots of love, hugs & good wishes,

Info guide locali

  • Aiuto nella scelta di un hotel, Interprete (servizi), Tour con Foto, Shopping, Giro turistico, Assaggio cucina locale, Coordinazione di attività all'aria aperta, Compagno a mostre/incontri

Qualche altra cosa su di me

  • Orientamento sessuale: Eterosessuale
  • Parlo: Inglese
  • Sto cercando: Amici, Avventura
  • Fumo:
  • Bevo: A volte
  • Educazione: College
  • Guadagno: Nessun introito fisso
  • Altezza: 172 cm (5' 07") Peso: 96 kg (212 lb) Corporatura: Qualche kg in più

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