Chat dan wisata bergembira!
67 tahun, Edmonton, Canada

tentang saya

I do like to cook, enjoy the sun with a glass of wine but most of all visit new places and will go almost anywhere. I have been to many places but 100s more to go. Never married so no bad habits. Enjoy art & music not much for reading. Worst thing I've tried was scorpion best thing was my own cooking haha. I have up to 8 weeks holidays so can take multiple trips or a long one. Would be much more enjoyable to spend with a lady of similar interests and adventure. Love the beaches to relax but also need to explore a bit whether jumping off a cliff or trying ethnic foods. I have had foot problems so hiking type adventures are out unless short. My back yard is my haven in the summer but also have a travel trailer some weekends. Looking for someone that is also fit and can get away from work to enjoy life.

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Orientasi seksual: Heteroseksual
  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris
  • Saya mencari: Teman, Belahan jiwa
  • Perokok: Ya
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Ya
  • Pendidikan Perdagangan/Teknik
  • Pendapatan Pendapatan tetap rata-rata
  • Tinggi: 185 cm (6' 01") Berat: 98 kg (216 lb) Postur: Sedikit kelebihan berat

Negara pernah dikunjungi

CanadaUnited States
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