Chat dan wisata bergembira!
Israel Higgins
43 tahun, Thiruvananthapuram, India

tentang saya

I love being simple and live life one day at a time. Everything related to nature is my interest and I prefer a rural lifestyle. However, I also do love the variety of choices on offer in a city (cuisine, places to see, shop, ...) and beaches too.

I like intellectual and humorous conversations and always believe that life is a roller coaster ride with the highs and lows and the sudden thrills that makes it worth living.

Message me your number and I will call you.

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Orientasi seksual: Heteroseksual
  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris
  • Saya mencari: Teman, Petualangan, Pekerjaan
  • Perokok: Tidak
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Tidak
  • Pendidikan Universitas
  • Pendapatan Pendapatan tetap rata-rata
  • Tinggi: 174 cm (5' 08") Berat: 80 kg (176 lb) Postur: Sedikit kelebihan berat

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