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Rodney Mcglumphy
54 tahun, United, United States

tentang saya

I enjoy chick flicks but I also like those movies you have to watch every little thing so you understand the plot and the ending, movies that make you think. Horror movies usually scare me pretty good, so I dont watch them every often. Action movies about blowing everything up are okay

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris
  • Saya mencari: Teman, Belahan jiwa
  • Perokok: Tidak
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Tidak
  • Pendidikan Tidak ada jawaban
  • Tinggi: 180 cm (5' 11") Berat: 77 kg (170 lb) Postur: Rata-rata

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United States
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