Chat dan wisata bergembira!
49 tahun, Lynchburg, United States

tentang saya

My name is Puma .. I'm logical and strange who is fearless that lives FREE ! I love all things ECCENTRIC and WEIRD ..I am a little person... and YES that means I'm 4 feet please process that fact was born with dwarfism which has forced me to understand in great depth that we are all here for a reason ! NO BLACK MEN WHATSOEVER .. Please don't ask why's just my preference ..All other races ..WELCOME ..and NERDS ,TECHY, SHY ,WEIRDOS, GEEKS , ROCKERS & IDIOTS RUN to the FRONT !! If you view my profile and think to yourself .. we are opposites .. then you're definitely my guy ..

Info pemandu lokal

  • Penjemputan di bandara, Bantuan dalam memilih hotel, Sopir (layanan), Penerjemah (layanan), Tur foto, Berbelanja, Tur Pemandangan, Mencicipi minuman/anggur, Mencicipi kuliner setempat, Koordinasi aktifitas luar ruangan, Pendamping pada pameran/rapat

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Orientasi seksual: Heteroseksual
  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris
  • Saya mencari: Belahan jiwa
  • Perokok: Kadang-kadang
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Kadang-kadang
  • Pendidikan Sarjana muda
  • Pendapatan Pendapatan tetap rata-rata
  • Tinggi: 145 cm (4' 9") Berat: 125 kg (276 lb) Postur: Rata-rata

Negara pernah dikunjungi

United States
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