Chat dan wisata bergembira!
Amjad Ansari
38 tahun, Bangalore, India

tentang saya

I am the guy who love travelling

After graduation eight and half years , two jobs and one small business, I can happily say that nothing has changed. it has been just a shade more than 15 years since I picked up my first SLR Camera, just short of 12 years since I used computer for the first time, and slightly more than 17 years since I picked up a piece of paper n pencil to draw some sketches, portrait and more! The habit of reading novel came n went, I ditched the canvas n brushes to pick up the keyboard n mouse, flirting have come and gone, place of living have changed and I have gone from FAT to THIN to FAT to now slightly chubby but that single obsession of being Intrepid has been the one common factor in the conscious part of my life,

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris
  • Saya mencari: Teman
  • Perokok: Kadang-kadang
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Ya
  • Pendidikan Tidak
  • Tinggi: 160 cm (5' 03")

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