Chat dan wisata bergembira!
41 tahun, Goa Velha, India

tentang saya

if u wanna know me u hav time .... spend a little bit on me and i'm sure u'll get a GOOD SURPRISE....OTHERWISE KEWAL whats there in the name.I am jst another ordinary average guy with nothing so significant n i hate faking d reality/truth.It is infact true to d core dat Profiles are a pile of shit everyone tries to portray impressive stuff n tries making it look fun n all...n we all probably know WHY?...Anyone who writes truth abt emslvs is a boring person,becoz it is indeed true nd no one likes it.I am not here for chicky Business (girl friends,friends,or anyone for that reason).i've tasted the goodness n d unavoidable shit that happens all d time.NOonez nobodyz friend there is alwayz an hidden agenda behind everything or nothing in dis world is unconditional every relation has d conditional strings attached to it...u may call it hidden agenda or conditionz.N jst incase if u do have couple of unconditional buddies then u r very lucky since having anything more than dis is unrealistic.I've seen people come n go in ma life n
sometimes u nvr get to see em again...One gust and theyre gone far away.
Love exists but only in a family & between MAN & DOG.Its the only place you dont get FAKES.Family is real,the love between parent & child is real & so is the love between humans & dogs.Everything else is a pile of shit!BUT D GOOD NEWZ IS THAT D concept of music binds everyone togather wid a pure idea of jst being urself n unleasing urself, as is like coming out of ya comfort zone n jst being what u r...n not giving d f*** abt d rest of d galaxy around ya...which is very relieving besides all d fun we have being a part of the ROCK COMMUNITY...which is at its exploding stage...

Info pemandu lokal

  • Penjemputan di bandara, Bantuan dalam memilih hotel, Tur foto, Berbelanja, Mencicipi minuman/anggur, Mencicipi kuliner setempat, Koordinasi aktifitas luar ruangan, Pendamping pada pameran/rapat

Beberapa hal tentang saya

  • Orientasi seksual: Heteroseksual
  • Saya berbicara: Bahasa Inggris, Spanyol, India, Nepal, Urdu
  • Saya mencari: Teman, Petualangan
  • Perokok: Kadang-kadang
  • Kebiasaan minuman keras: Kadang-kadang
  • Pendidikan Universitas
  • Pendapatan Pendapatan tetap rata-rata
  • Tinggi: 176 cm (5' 09") Berat: 75 kg (165 lb) Postur: Rata-rata

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