मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
44 years old, Sugar Land, United States

मेरे बारे में

Love music (need a concert/festival partner), science, space, comedy, sarcasm/witty banter/please roast me, college, pro & fantasy football, the outdoors (camping, water, fishing, shooting), brunch, patios, stargazing, cooking, travel, exploring. Looking for a partner that is observant, patient, emotionally intelligent, someone who aggressively saves but also splurges. Someone who wants to look ahead and make plans- be it a casual date night in on the couch or planning a trip together.

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • मैं बोलता हूँ : चीनी

घूमे हुए देश

United States
पिछला दिखाएँ