मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
Henry Joseph
46 years old, New York, United States

मेरे बारे में

Listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and freestyle man in the fight against success . I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love.

I'm still mad that Pluto is no longer a planet.

All I really want out of life is to find people I can share my fruit-roll ups with.

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • यौन उन्मुखता : उभयलिंगी
  • मैं बोलता हूँ : अंग्रेजी, फ्रेंच
  • मुझे तलाश है : दोस्त, एडवेंचर, जीवनसाथी
  • स्मोकर नहीं
  • मद्यपान की आदतें : कभी-कभी
  • शिक्षा : एडवांस्ड डिग्री
  • कद : 170 सेमी (5' 07") गठन औसत

घूमे हुए देश

United States
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