मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
David Wyatt
62 years old, Chicago Heights, United States

मेरे बारे में

I am a decent, kind, faithful, truthful, caring man who seeks a long-term loving relationship and have many hobbies. I am an avid reader, love to play golf and spend time on many diverse interests. I am educated and bright and believe with all my heart that chemistry is important. I believe in the "Pay It Forward" lifestyle. I think everyone should give something back to their communities; even if it's putting change into a bell ringer's kettle. I’m naturally inquisitive and try to learn something new every day.

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • मैं बोलता हूँ : अंग्रेजी
  • मुझे तलाश है : जीवनसाथी
  • स्मोकर नहीं
  • मद्यपान की आदतें : कभी-कभी
  • शिक्षा : यूनिवर्सिटी
  • आय : नियमित औसत आय
  • कद : 182 सेमी (5' 11") वजन : 77 केजी (170 एलबी) गठन औसत
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